Blog for People, Food and Nature

February 24, 2012

Farming Watershed Health in Nepal

[embed][/embed] Earning from Nature to Pay for its Upkeep (रुप फेर्दै रुपा) from Mahesh Shrestha on Vimeo. Farmers in the Kaski district of Nepal have formed the Rupa Lake Rehabilitation and Fisheries Cooperatives Limited to help protect the watershed. Increased silt…
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February 23, 2012

Planning for Climate Change

The Center for Global Development has compiled a map of vulnerability to climate change, illustrating four primary dimensions: extreme weather events, sea level rise,  agricultural productivity loss, and overall vulnerability. Documenting the rankings of 169 countries, the maps are based off of a dataset and publicati…
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February 22, 2012

Domesticating Indigenous African Tree Crops

Ebenezar AsaahWorld Agroforestry CentreZac TchoundjeuWorld Agroforestry Centre

Tree crops play an important role in securing the incomes and food security of rural communities in West and Central Africa. The work of the World Agroforestry Centre on “participatory tree domestication” is striving to employ techniques to strengthen and augment the contribution of such plants. Put simply, partici…
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February 21, 2012

Managing for Ecosystems in Africa

Ecosystem management has been defined by the United Nations Environment Programme as "an approach to natural resource management that focuses on sustaining ecosystems to meet both ecological and human needs in the future ... integrating social, environmental and economic perspectives to managing geographically defin…
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February 20, 2012

Landscape of the Week: Eastern High Atlas, Morocco

Safeguarding World Agricultural Heritage Systems By Jean Gault, Senior Officer of Natural Resources Management and Payment for Environmental Services Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy Worldwide, specific agricultural systems and landscapes have been created, shaped, and maintai…
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February 17, 2012

Walk the Line: A transect/landscape approach to ecological monitoring

By Dr. David Molden, Director General and Dr. Eklabya Sharma, Director of Programmes International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), Kathmandu, Nepal Most readers browsing posts on this blog need no long introduction about the importance or value of mountain ecosystems or the many challenges facing …
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