Blog for People, Food and Nature

October 16, 2016

Five resources to help you get climate-smart this World Food Day

A changing climate has put agricultural landscapes at risk, but integrated solutions hold the promise of adaptation and mitigation. These five resources are a great start to understanding what a climate-smart food system will look like. Share them using the hashtag #WFD2016. 1. The CSA Guide: Climate-smart agriculture 101 This beautifully-designed website provides a very compr ...
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October 10, 2016

Out of bed and seeing progress on the SDGs

Martin Harper Royal Society for the Protection of Birds

I emerged from my sick-bed last week to attend an event at the Zoological Society of London – Natural Partners: integrating development and environment to deliver sustainable development. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) had joined forces with the Zoological Society of London (ZSL), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Christian Aid and […] ...
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