November 27, 2015
Balancing multiple SDG-related outcomes of riparian buffers in the Volta Basin
Sylvia Wood
Bioversity International
Sarah Jones
In the Volta Basin of West Africa, rivers represent the life-blood of cultivation in the semi-arid north and are the key to hydropower generation in the south. Today, agricultural runoff, land use change and construction of major hydroelectric dams in the Volta Basin are degrading these life-supporting rivers. Mapping opportunities for conservation and Sustainable Develop ...
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November 25, 2015
Power in numbers, Trifinio involves diverse stakeholders for climate-smart planning
Leida Mercado
The highlands tucked between El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras were once heavily degraded. Tri-national cooperation, emphasizing conservation and land restoration, transformed this marginalized region into a platform for multi-stakeholder engagement in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Degraded and marginalized. These words once adequately described the 7,500 km2 are ...
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November 20, 2015
A survey on food security and biodiversity conservation
Jan Hanspach
Leuphana University Lueneburg
Landscape experts: we need your help. We are currently working on the development of a global theory that explains which characteristics of social-ecological systems benefit both biodiversity conservation and food security. Among other project components, we have designed a questionnaire that asks experts to share their insights on a specific landscape that they understand well ...
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November 17, 2015
Type and send, WeFarm makes farming innovations available by free SMS
Kenny Ewan
Mobile technology can promote sustainable agriculture initiatives across borders and landscapes. The earth provides the human race with everything it needs to survive. Soil gives nutrients that grow our food, forests create oxygen for us to breathe, and rain provides enough water for plants and people. Tragically, due to harsh climates and difficult farming conditions, [&hellip ...
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November 10, 2015
The Great Balancing Act of the 21st Century necessitates the Landscape Approach
Amanda Grossi
School of International and Public Affairs, Columbia University
As the curtains rise on the global development stage, the scene is set: A population swelling upwards of 7.3 billion people is occupying a world with finite space. These are the 7.3 billion actors who must choose what part to play in what might be titled The Great Balancing Act of the 21st century, where competing […] ...
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