March 12, 2012
Scaling Down Innovation: The Case of Maasai Corridor
“The landscape we visited was almost unable to function in an integrated way anymore” - the rather depressed conclusion of the participants who set out to visit the Maasai Corridor as part of the Nairobi International Forum learning activities.
Scaling up innovation? In this case, it is scaling down. And at the v…
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March 9, 2012
A Look at the IAASTD
By Hans Herren, Director
Millennium Institute, Washington, DC, USA
In 2008, a UN-commissioned effort, the International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science, and Technology for Development (IAASTD), took a comprehensive look at the current global agriculture and food situation. The IAASTD report warns that con…
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March 8, 2012
Agricultural Research for Farmers’ Priorities
Daniel Bornstein
The agricultural research agenda must reflect farmers’ priorities if they are to benefit from landscape approaches. Research investments work toward improving the productivity of indigenous crops valuable to farmers’ nutrition and livelihood objectives—a much-needed departure from the longstanding emphasis on glo…
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March 8, 2012
Getting to the heart of the matter: Action and Advocacy for an integrated landscape approach
The second day of the International Forum in Nairobi and time to put the participants to work. The mission? To get an African elephant on roller skates to change direction.
Landscapes for People, Food and Nature is a three-year initiative with three components: conducting a global review to build and communicate the …
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March 7, 2012
Launching a Common Vision
The need for a common vision – catching crabs in a stream in Ghana – and rain shower of words –highlights from the opening session of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature International Forum, Tuesday morning in Nairobi, Kenya.
It is well documented that many of today’s agricultural practices—along with…
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March 6, 2012
Landscapes for People, Food and Nature on Air
<img src="" class="mceItemMedia mceItemFlash" width="320" height="266" data-mce-json="{'video':{},'params':{'allowfullscreen':'true','allowscrip…
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