October 16, 2014
Growing Food and Biodiversity
Sam Quinn
The Farm at Sunnyside
Food production and biological conservation may often appear to be at odds, but both share poignant similarities. Farming today faces its own diversity crisis—mirroring precipitous declines in biological diversity, fewer and fewer crops account for an ever-growing proportion of our diet. Thanks to this growing understanding of the inseparable link between wild species and far ...
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August 1, 2014
Close to Home: Exploring Three of Virginia’s Working Landscapes
Jes Walton
EcoAgriculture Partners
This blog often focuses on the geographies and management techniques of faraway (from our headquarters in Washington, DC) lands like the Eastern High Atlas of Morocco or Northern Tanzania’s culturally and ecologically unique Maasai Steppe Heartlands. But, this week, EcoAgriculture Partners’ staff ventured out into the field to explore several landscapes closer to our home†...
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June 3, 2013
Ecosystem-Based Approaches to Relieving Hunger and Restoring Nature
Elizabeth Migongo-Bake
UN Environment
Keith Alverson
Richard Munang
With global population approaching 9 billion by 2050, huge demand will be placed on governments and the environment to provide sufficient food. Already, the world is searching for solutions to a series of global challenges unprecedented in their scale and complexity. Food insecurity, malnutrition, climate change, rural poverty and environmental degradation are all among them. [ ...
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