Blog for People, Food and Nature

December 20, 2017

IUCN Netherlands and EcoAgriculture Partners debut the Landscape Investment and Finance Toolkit (LIFT)

Louis Wertz EcoAgriculture Partners

Toolkit uses participatory process designed to help landscapes connect their plans to achieve the SDGs with the finance and investment they need. Finance plays a critical role in implementing the diverse investments required for a sustainable landscape. There has been a considerable uptick in analysis, programs and investors designed to support sustainable land management. How ...
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April 22, 2017

On Earth Day and every day, Science Matters for sustainable landscapes

Louis Wertz EcoAgriculture Partners

Science is a pillar of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative because the partners know that without it, we cannot achieve our common mission: to create and sustain integrated agricultural landscapes worldwide. Science can drive good decision-making and form the backbone of good management: through repeated observation we determine what works and what doesn&# ...
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March 29, 2017

Tree-planting Startup Shows 4 Steps to Raising Capital for Restoration

Florence Landsberg World Resources Institute

Amsterdam-based Land Life Company had an innovative idea: a patented technology that enables trees to grow in arid and degraded land. The three-year-old start-up recently raised $2.6 million to expand operations. Other restoration players can do the same, using a four-step plan created with input from investors and restoration companies by the New Restoration Economy […] ...
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December 25, 2016

Saving two birds with one stone

This post originally appeared on the Thrive blog and we are re-publishing it here as one of the best posts of 2016 from LPFN partners. Bees, wasps, and hornets don’t always get along with humans. Their stings are extremely painful and kill about 58 people per year.  But as we pointed out in our Thrive Blog Big Question: […] ...
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December 20, 2016

Waste not: How businesses can turn a profit from poo

Krishna Chaitanya Rao, IWMI Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy, IWMI Miriam Otoo, IWMI

As part of WLE’s partnership with The Economist Events’ Sustainability Summit this March in London, the Thrive blog published a series of posts that discussed the role science plays in catalyzing shifts toward sustainability in the private sector and beyond. In this blog post, Kalanithy Vairavamoorthy and Krishna C Rao, of the International Water Management Ins ...
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December 19, 2016

Four unexplored big wins in agriculture: tackling climate change through landscape restoration

Georgina Smith, CIAT

At the Global Landscapes Forum in Marrakech in November, CIAT and the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems co-hosted a session titled, “Unexplored big wins for climate change through landscape restoration.” This blog post presents the key messages from that event. It originally appeared on the CIAT blog and we are re-publishing it here as […] ...
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November 8, 2016

Characterizing the landscape approach across Europe

María García-Martín University of Freiburg Claudia Bieling Tobias Plieninger

HERCULES project helps demonstrate how landscape initiatives in Europe foster the integrated management of the landscapes where they act. The landscape approach is gaining attention all over the world as a way of addressing the complexity that the integrated management of the land requires. This approach is characterized by its holistic understanding of the land (considering ...
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July 28, 2016

Four lessons for private sector engagement from the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership

Simon Badcock Conservation International Catherine Rothacker

In North Sumatra, Indonesia, a complex mosaic of land uses, values and challenges, Conservation International (CI) is working with USAID and the Walton Family Foundation on the Sustainable Landscapes Partnership. This article is the second in a series of stories about landscape partnerships that effectively include private sector actors that were showcased at the Business ...
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June 11, 2016

Four science-backed suggestions for sustainable landscape investments

Marianne Gadeberg

Interest in investing in sustainability is on the rise. With the Paris Climate Agreement and the launch of the Sustainable Development Goals last year, the political demand to further sustainability across sectors and scales is stronger than ever- a fact that is reflected in current investment trends.Achim Steiner, executive director of the United Nations Environment […] ...
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November 27, 2015

Balancing multiple SDG-related outcomes of riparian buffers in the Volta Basin

Sylvia Wood Bioversity International Sarah Jones

In the Volta Basin of West Africa, rivers represent the life-blood of cultivation in the semi-arid north and are the key to hydropower generation in the south. Today, agricultural runoff, land use change and construction of major hydroelectric dams in the Volta Basin are degrading these life-supporting rivers. Mapping opportunities for conservation and Sustainable Develop ...
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