September 26, 2014
Worth More than a Thousand Words: Photovoice in Multi-Stakeholder Decision Making
Greg Spira
Cuso International
People often say that a picture is worth a thousand words. Advocacy campaigns frequently present stark images that ostensibly speak for themselves. These images are highly evocative and effective at provoking outside action. But are a thousand words really enough? Within large landscapes, individuals, communities and diverse interest groups possess distinct perspectives and vis ...
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September 5, 2014
European Wood-Pastures as Cultural Landscapes
Tobias Plieninger
University of Copenhagen
Tibor Hartel
European landscapes are shaped by long-lasting, intensive and complex interactions between people and nature. This interaction has generated values that are appreciated by society, nowadays called “landscape values” or “ecosystem services,” but many of these cultural landscape values are in decline. Wood-pastures—combinations of grazing lands with scattered trees—ar ...
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April 12, 2013
Economics, Markets and Incentives for Livelihoods and Landscapes
“Landscapes do not exist in a vacuum, but are influenced by a wide range of external factors including policies and economic conditions generated far outside it…” Businesses operate in the realm of markets, and this week the Sustainable Food Lab brings together many of these market actors to discuss sustainability within their supply chains. However, [… ...
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