November 27, 2015
Balancing multiple SDG-related outcomes of riparian buffers in the Volta Basin
Sylvia WoodBioversity International Sarah JonesBioversity International
In the Volta Basin of West Africa, rivers represent the life-blood of cultivation in the semi-arid north and are the key to hydropower generation in the south. Today, agricultural runoff, land use change and construction of major hydroelectric dams in the Volta Basin are degrading these life-supporting rivers. Mapping opportunities for conservation and Sustainable Develop ...
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December 8, 2014
How can we manage ecosystem services for development outcomes? The case of the Cañete River Basin
Sarah JonesBioversity International Marcela QuinteroInternational Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Earlier this month, the CGIAR research program on Water, Land and Ecosystems published an Ecosystem Service and Resilience (ESR) Framework presenting an approach for using ecosystem service and resilience concepts to create multi-functional landscapes that sustain production, livelihoods, and human well-being. What does this mean for communities living in rural landscapes? The ...
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