July 6, 2015
The Value of Multifunctional Agriculture: a case study in northern Europe
Alberto BernuesNorwegian University of Life Sciences
In some of the most biodiverse regions of the world, people have farmed for centuries, shaping magnificent agricultural landscapes. Multifunctionality recognizes agriculture as a multi-output activity producing not only private (market) goods such as food, feed, or fibre, but also public (nonmarket, non-excludable, non-rival) goods such as agricultural landscapes, farmland biod ...
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December 11, 2014
What is the Socio-Cultural and Economic Value of Mediterranean Mountain Agriculture?
Alberto BernuesNorwegian University of Life Sciences
Traditional agricultural activities have suffered a notorious recession in recent decades in many Euro-Mediterranean regions. This recession originated in changes in the type and intensity of land utilization, such as intensification of the management system, reduction of grazing and abandonment of remote rangeland areas. Consequently, a general process of vegetation encroachme ...
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