March 5, 2012
What we call “Landscapes for People, Food and Nature”
Seth Shames
EcoAgriculture Partners
Sara Scherr
“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet…” (William Shakespeare) During a tea break in the EcoAgriculture Partners office a couple of weeks ago, a familiar conversation broke out about the proliferation of words that describe various aspects of ecoagriculture. Usually this conversation ends with a collective shrug once our teacups are empty, […] ...
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March 2, 2012
Community Action for Food Security and Resilience
Catherine Zanev
World Food Programme
Deborah Hines
Nearly half of the communities in the Pichincha Province of Ecuador are affected by chronic malnutrition. One example is the Olmedo community, in which 90% of the residents live below the poverty line, and 40% are malnourished. Many small-scale farmers cannot feed their families adequately, as they have little or no access to capital, markets […] ...
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March 1, 2012
DESIRE Sustainable Land Management
Info-brief 8: Using land for the benefit of all The DESIRE research project is a collaborative effort to develop integrated approaches to combating land degradation. Above is a booklet recently produced on “using land for the benefit of all.” It is based on the World Overview of Conservation Approaches and Technologies (WOCAT) methodology to identifying […] ...
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