May 25, 2016
North American Models of Large Landscape Conservation
R. Patrick Bixler
Texas A&M University
Environmental Problems do not have boundaries and Conservation Challenges affect everyone. Climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity, and ecosystem degradation affect diverse groups of people across large areas. These problems transcend jurisdictional and other socially-constructed boundaries. Action to address these impacts cannot be coordinated without the input, bu ...
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May 5, 2016
Protecting Gambella’s hidden treasures requires multi-stakeholder involvement, Part 2
Daniel Wiegant Crespo
Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network
Toon de Bruyn
Herman Brouwer
Minu Hemmati
With cultures, biodiversity and enterprises that cross political boundaries, multi-stakeholder collaboration is critical to integrated and sustainable development in the Gambella of Ethiopia. Historically, the Gambella landscape, like other parts of the continent, has been characterised by a low level of coordination between different actors and sectors. Development planning di ...
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May 3, 2016
Protecting Gambella’s hidden treasures requires multi-stakeholder involvement, Part 1
Daniel Wiegant Crespo
Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network
Toon de Bruyn
Herman Brouwer
Minu Hemmati
The Gambella region in western Ethiopia offers a culturally and ecologically unique landscape, which shares much of its characteristics with neighbouring South Sudan. Largely unknown, it is one of the best-preserved, and relatively inaccessible, regions of Ethiopia. The swampy area and limited infrastructure make it ideal for impressive transboundary mammal migrations between ...
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April 26, 2016
A globally significant opportunity in tropical conservation and sustainable livelihoods
Dr. Clare Taylor
Kimberly to Cape Initiative
The Kimberley to Cape Initiative encompasses a quarter of a billion hectares of arguably the largest ecologically intact area of tropical savannas, rivers and shallow seas in the world. From Broome in the Kimberley, to Cairns at the edge of the Cape York Peninsula, the region spans 3,000 km over three jurisdictions and is home […] ...
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March 31, 2016
On birds, agriculture, and European policy, a conversation with Trees Robijns
Trees Robijns
BirdLife Europe
Lucila Fernandez
The Common Agricultural Policy is one of the founding laws of the European Union. While it’s succeeded in feeding the European populace, what has been its impact on biodiversity? Since World War II, the Common Agricultural Policy is the prevailing legislation on how to manage farmlands in Europe. Originally, the policy was written to ensure […] ...
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March 22, 2016
Grazing can be a win for water quality, climate change, and farm economics
Kelly O’Neill
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
The Chesapeake Bay watershed spans over 64,000 square miles and is home to 87,000 farms, many of which produce livestock. The byproduct of this livestock production is manure, both a potential pollutant (if not carefully managed) and a resource to fertilize crops. Without pollution controls, nutrients not used by crops may volatilize into the air, […] ...
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March 16, 2016
The Aynoka Landscape of Peru, where communities are protecting quinoa diversity
Alexander Wankel
Pachakuti Foods
Lindsey Hethcote
Before it was on the shelves of Whole Foods, quinoa was being abandoned in most parts of the Andes as an unwanted “food of the poor.” However, the Lake Titicaca region of Peru endured as a hotspot of quinoa cultivation and diversity. Why? According to the Food and Argiculture Organization of the United Nations, quinoa “continued […] ...
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March 15, 2016
Sandbar cropping in Bangladesh, an innovative technology solution for millions
AZM Nazmul Islam Chowdhury
Practical Action Bangladesh
E.F. Schumacher, an economist who founded Practical Action, wanted to help expand aid programs through technology. Fueled by the idea of developing and promoting appropriate technology to reach a greater segment of the underprivileged population of the world, he published an article in The Observer, on August 29, 1965 titled “How to help them help themselves.” […] ...
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March 5, 2016
Farmers film their homegrown solutions
Katherine Snyder
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Juliet Braslow
In an unused school classroom in the dry, dusty village of Sekoti, Ghana, 11 community members gathered to learn how to make a video. Many of them had never even used a camera before, much less operated a microphone. Participatory video is an empowering and creative process that allows those who understand their local issues best […] ...
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February 10, 2016
In Burundi, seeing the writing in the hillsides means working with farmers
Sara Delaney, Episcopal Relief & Development
Leonidas Niyongabo, Province of the Anglican Church of Burundi Community Development Program
In Burundi, a large community of farmers represents a pool of knowledge that is constantly growing. Research institutions explore different approaches to tapping into this knowledge base and linking their work with observational data from farmers. Farmers in Burundi have a high stake in the viability of seasonal harvests, as they depend on the harvest to […] ...
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