Publication Details

RIABM’s Approach to Cross-Landscape Knowledge-Sharing: Ingredients for Success

Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Case Study



November 25, 2014

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Research Theme

Short Summary

This piece reflects on the Red Iberoamericana de Bosques Modelo (RIABM or Ibero-American Model Forest Network) approach as a basis for the creation of strong and effective networking initiatives. It aims to provide insights for other similar networks and for “learning landscapes” leaders.


Linking landscapes

The RIABM (Ibero-American Model Forest Network) links 29 territories and 15 member countries where participatory landscape management initiatives are being conducted. The network is a voluntary partnership between Model Forests backed by government representatives from each member country. This paper seeks to answer the question, “what makes RIABM a dynamic learning network?”

Focusing on learning

We will quickly review the network’s structure and introduce the types of knowledge we exchange and the levels at which these exchanges are taking place. We will then examine the specific activities employed to conduct these, and describe the basic ingredients of our success.

Local leadership and forest culture

Finally, we will present an outlook of what we consider to be two important components of our current and future strategy: local leadership and forest culture. The very last section gives an overview our main challenges as a network. This piece aims to provide insights for other similar networks and for “learning landscapes” leaders. It seeks to reflect on our approach as a basis for the creation of strong and effective networking initiatives.

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