Practicing a landscape approach is complex.
Good tools help you sort out the complexity.
31 Results
Tool User: Development Practitioners, Researchers, Subnational / National Government
The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is able to identify which ecosystems are not currently facing significant risks of collapse, and which ones are Vulnerable, Endangered, or Critically Endangered.
Tool User: Community Member, Development Practitioners, Landscape Leader
The landscape performance scorecard engages stakeholders in scoring and qualitatively assessing their landscape.
Tool User: Community Member, Development Practitioners, Landscape Leader
This tool describes how to use repeat photography to track landscape changes to monitor and evaluate management practices.
Tool User: Researchers, Subnational / National Government
The new Global Forest Watch is an interactive near-real-time deforestation alert system.
Tool User: Development Practitioners, Researchers
A spatially explicit tool for the analysis of the provision of multiple ecosystem services.
Tool User: Development Practitioners, Researchers
GIS-based study takes into consideration individual and cumulative impacts of multiple stakeholders and the potential within the landscape to compensate for impacts to ecosystems.
Tool User: Development Practitioners, Landscape Leader, Researchers
A power ranking exercise makes people aware of their rank, and experience the differences between situational, social, and personal rank.
Tool User: Community Member, Development Practitioners, Landscape Leader
A tool to identify the value from restoration for all potential stakeholders involved in the landscape.
Tool User: Development Practitioners, Researchers, Subnational / National Government
Compares watershed biodiversity and ecosystem function importance for current (2005) and future (2050) scenarios.