April 11, 2015
Can we meet future global food demand without causing any further environmental damage?
Insa Flachsbarth
Technical University of Madrid
Bárbara Willaarts
One would wish to have a direct and simple answer to this big question: Yes we can! But unfortunately there are no free lunches, and whatever strategy we will adopt to satisfy global food demand, food production will inevitably have adverse impacts on our environment. Editor’s Note: This post originally appeared on the Agriculture and Ecosystems […] ...
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April 7, 2015
Calling all Land Managers: Give us Your Dirt!
Louis Wertz
EcoAgriculture Partners
During Global Soil Week, April 19th-23rd, stakeholders from the around the world will join forces to discuss the role of sustainable soil management in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. So this month the Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature Blog is digging deeper into soil. And we want you, landscape managers, to join the discussion! […] ...
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April 4, 2015
Something to talk about: expanding the conversation on Climate-Smart Agriculture
Lucila Fernandez
EcoAgriculture Partners
This past March, Krista Heiner, a project manager at EcoAgriculture Partners, joined hundreds of scientists, policy makers, and practitioners in Montpellier, France, who all had one mission in mind: to identify ways to achieve agricultural development in the face of climate change. Climate-smart agriculture (CSA) was the center of the conversation; the international community, ...
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March 22, 2015
Celebrating past watershed project successes and looking toward the future
Marissa Sherman
EcoAgriculture Partners
Water resource preservation and agricultural development are greatly interconnected. Both healthy communities and resilient livelihoods often hinge on proper water resource management. World Water Day 2015 is the perfect opportunity to shed some light on projects that the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative has been working on to restore and preserve watersheds. R ...
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March 2, 2015
De-commodifying Food: the last frontier in the civic claim of the commons
Jose Luis Vivero Pol
Université catholique de Louvain
The socially constructed nature of food as a private good is being necessarily re-conceived as a commons, a crucial narrative for the transition from the dominating industrial food system towards a more sustainable system that is fairer to food producers and consumers. Food is a natural resource that is essential for human existence and has […] ...
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February 28, 2015
SDGs fail to address interlinkages between goals and targets
In a recently released review of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), my colleagues and I find that the goal on food security, improved nutrition and sustainable agriculture is a vast improvement over the Millennium Development Goals, which did not consider agriculture at all. But, the SDGs fail to address important complementarities and tradeoffs among goals and ...
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February 5, 2015
Business Thinking about the Landscape Approach
Marissa Sherman
EcoAgriculture Partners
Now more than ever, public-private partnerships are seen as essential to address critical risks related to deforestation, climate change, water scarcity, and poverty and to driving sustainable economic development. In looking at landscape initiatives around the globe, businesses, both big and small, are important stakeholders of rural landscapes contributing to and dependent ...
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January 8, 2015
Fostering participation in East African carbon projects
Eva Fillion
EcoAgriculture Partners
Authors from EcoAgriculture Partners, ECOTRUST and ENR Africa Associates have just launched a training manual aimed at farmer groups, extension staff and project managers who are implementing agricultural carbon projects in East Africa. Carbon projects are initiatives designed to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions or sequester those already in the atmosphere, such as through pla ...
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December 23, 2014
Wrapping up Blog Month on Large-Scale Land Interventions
Eva Fillion
EcoAgriculture Partners
The Landscapes for People Food and Nature Initiative Blog, International Center for Tropical Research (CIAT) and the Agriculture and Ecosystems Blog of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) have been investigating the topic of large-scale land initiatives over the past month. Set against the backdrop of two topical sessions at the recent Global Lands ...
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December 22, 2014
Global agriculture and carbon trade-offs
Krista Heiner
EcoAgriculture Partners
By 2050, the United Nations estimates the global population will exceed 9 billion people and world food demand will grow by about 70% from 2000. Agricultural production can be increased through intensification, which reduces the spread of agriculture to new land through increased use of fertilizer, pesticide and water inputs, shorter fallow periods, and improved […] ...
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