BROA is a structured, practical and rigorous process that can be used by non-specialists to identify the impacts and dependencies of agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES) within a selected landscape. It helps those managing agricultural supply chains to safeguard the sustainability their operations by identifying BES issues that need to be addressed, either now or in the longer term. The process facilitates collaboration with stakeholders who have common impacts/dependencies
The tool has been applied by British American Tobacco’s growing operations in 20 countries. The operations vary in size from a few hundred farmers to thousands within each growing region. Feedback from the application of the tool in 2010 resulted in a revised public version which builds on the experience from the first round and from independent external reviews. An example outcome is the development and implementation of an Integrated Watershed Management Plan underpinned by biodiversity.
It provides a platform for stakeholders who would not normally engage to come together and identify, discuss and agree risks. The process helps the convenor to systematically identify a common entry point to engage stakeholders including other businesses. A step by step guide recommends a transparent process to build action plans that have stakeholder participation. It could be adapted to be driven by any convening stakeholder including government and communities. Other companies are now starting to using BROA in their supply chains.
Laura Fox, Senior Programme Manager, Agricultrual Landscapes - Fauna & Flora International
Businesses, Landscape Leader