August 6, 2015 | 15:30 - 16:30 CAT

Webinar – Introducing the new TerrAfrica-NEPAD knowledge platform

Online only via Adobe Connect

How does the new TerrAfrica- NEPAD knowledge platform facilitate scaling up good practices and experiences in sustainable land and water management in the region?

This is the first event of TerrAfrica-NEPAD Webinar Knowledge Exchange Series on Sustainable Land Management. It will showcase TerrAfrica’s newly released SLM Knowledge Platform where you can find SLM case studies in the region, upload your own cases to share with others, find new learning opportunities and resources, ask questions to online experts, and join e-learning events. These ONLINE webinars will share practical knowledge amongst SLM practitioners and to facilitate peer-to-peer learning.


RUDO Makunike

TerrAfrica Interim Coordinator, NEPAD

Mr. Teko Nlapho

TerrAfrica Communications & Advocacy, NEPAD


Use the RSVP link to sign up via Adobe Connect. You will be sent email instructions for how to join the webinar after registering.

