February 26, 2018 - March 9, 2018
Wageningen Centre for Development Innovation Course: Competing claims land, water and other (agricultural) resources
Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Competition over land and natural resources is increasingly overstretching the multi-functionality of landscapes, whether it is at local or at global level. With the ambition as enshrined in numerous international conventions and national polices alike to reconcile agricultural development and the wise use of our natural resources, this places enormous pressure on resource managers to broker development outcomes that suit both agendas. It implies rethinking current natural resources management paradigms and applying new analytical frameworks to better understand conflicts, the driving forces behind them and the design of process approaches to manage them.
The overall aim of the course is to contribute to sustainable resources management by building capacity to manage conflicts over natural resources. Upon completion you will be able to:
- contextualise and apply analytical frameworks and methodologies to better understand competing claims on natural resources;
- examine different conflict management approaches and apply them to case studies;
- practice a broad range of skills to manage conflict and facilitate informed negotiation processes; and
- review governance arrangements that could hamper or foster negotiated outcomes.
Scholarships are available for applicants from MENA (MSP) and NPF (KOP) regions. Information regarding scholarships can be found here:
Deadline for Scholarship Applications: 18 October 2017
Application Deadline: 15 January 2018
Event Details