October 12, 2015 - October 23, 2015


Congresium Ankara, Ankara, Turkey

Decision-makers from 195 member states will attend COP12 to discuss solutions to issues related to desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD).

Pathway to Sustainable Development

Land rehabilitation is one of the pathways to sustainable development. By rehabilitating degraded land, many of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) would be more attainable. Land that is properly nurtured fosters food and water security and reverses negative climate change impacts, such as forced migration, by cultivating opportunities for growth and ensuring stability. To invest in the land is to invest in sustainable livelihoods, therefore the goal of COP12 is to provide practical steps to make the rehabilitation of degrading land areas a reality. The Parties are also expected to identify ways to contribute to the success of the 2015 Climate Change Conference in Paris.


COP12 will begin with an opening plenary segment on 12 October. The high-level segment will take place on Tuesday, 20 October and Wednesday, 21 October. During the high-level segment, ministers and other heads of delegation will hold round-table discussions and special plenary sessions to identify possible solutions to water scarcity, land degradation and desertification while upholding efforts to mitigate the effects of drought and preventing further land degradation.

Event Details
