EcoAgriculture Partners, in partnership with the World Agroforestry Centre’s Strengthening Rural Institutions project, and under the coordination of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative, began a process to improve the policy and institutional framework for ILM in Kenya based on policymaker and civil society engagement. Researchers began by assessing the elements of Kenya’s current policy and institutional framework related to the implementation and scaling up of ILM from the perspectives of both civil society and policymakers. Then, key stakeholders in five sites — Embu, Bungoma, Laikipia, Lari and Naivasha — identified policy needs and recommendations that could be addressed by national or sub-national policymakers. In the final phase of this process, civil society leaders and key county and national level policymakers worked together to improve the policy environment for ILM in Kenya through a facilitated, national level policy dialogue held at the World Agroforestry Centre in Nairobi on June 29th. Several key recommendations for improvements to national and county policies and institutional frameworks were identified and discussed by participants in the national policy dialogue. These include:
In addition, civil society representatives and policymakers collaboratively developed action plans for improving the policy framework for ILM in each of the five landscapes as well as at a national level. One of the most exciting outcomes of this process was the interest among the representatives in developing an information sharing platform that would include civil society representatives in each of the five landscapes, as well as county and national level policymakers.