November 24, 2015 - December 5, 2015

International Course: Landscape Leadership

Bangkok, Thailand

New course from Initiative partners Wageningen UR Centre for Development Innovation.

Application is required, deadline is October 5, 2015.

Course fees: €2300

You must complete both the course application and apply for the Netherlands Fellowship Program.

From conflict to collaboration in landscapes

Growing demand for food, fiber, and fuels, are increasingly integrating forested landscapes in global commodity chains. This offers economic opportunities but also entails threats, as increased competition over scarce resources requires substantial management responsibilities of landscape leaders. Optimizing economic opportunities for local entrepreneurship demands strong leadership in terms of mediating conflicting interests, facilitating the negotiation of land use and access rights, and promoting constructive dialogue at a landscape level. Step up to the world’s environmental challenge as a leader in landscape management and conflict resolution.

You will learn how to
  • understand the context, principles and relevance of a multi-functional and multi- level landscape approach to natural resource management;
  • be able to examine the social dynamics in landscapes, including conflicts emerging from overlapping land use, using a range of analytical tools;
  • have strengthened skills to facilitate multi-stakeholder dialogue, participatory planning processes, negotiation and conflict mediation at landscape level.
Event Details

