October 17, 2014 | 08:00-09:30

City Region Food Systems & Sustainable Urbanization: CFS Side Event

Lebanon Room (D209), FAO HQ, Rome

Food and nutrition security in the context of rapid global urbanization, especially in developing countries, has brought attention to the consequent rural impacts and the importance of sustainable food systems. Today, it is increasingly realised that City Region Food Systems can play an important part in helping to provide for many peoples’ food security and nutrition.

Join us for a dedicated side event during the CFS Week in Rome. City Region Food Systems & Sustainable Urbanization is supported by FAO Food for cities initiative, UN-Habitat, World Food Program (WFP), International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI), International Urban Food Network (IUFN), Habitat International Coalition (HIC), and Resource Centers on Urban Agriculture and Food Security (RUAF).

Featuring Paul Munro-Faure, Chair-FAO Food for the Cities Interdisciplinary Initiative, David Edwards, International Sustainability Unit and Andrea Calori, Milan Food Policy Technical Team as well as representatives of IFAD, WFP, Biodiversity International, Mazingira Institute and Eating City in a discussion panel.

Download a PDF agenda


Launching a new global collaborative initiative

A new global collaborative initiative will be showcased, linking UN agencies, local authorities associations, civil society and non-governmental organizations, the research community and the private sector to exchange good practices and knowledge.

Event Details