27 Sub-Saharan African countries have pledged to restore or begin the process of restoring, over 96 million hectares of degraded land on the continent by 2030. 40 SSA countries include climate change mitigation from Land Use, Land Use Change, and Forestry in their (intended) Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) for the Paris Climate Accord. 34 NDCs include mitigation contributions from agriculture. Every African nation has signed on to the Sustainable Development Goals. The question now asked regularly: how will our countries keep these commitments?
And more to the point, how will our countries keep these commitments while facing rising population pressure on fragile resources, increasing food demand for that growing population, the requirements on natural resources for new employment opportunities, and the environmental service demands of rapidly growing urban centers?
As national and international programs on sustainable land and water management, climate-smart agriculture and land restoration grow, it is critical to empower and ensure the participation of African landscape leaders in the decision-making and execution of these initiatives. Focus has to be put on sustainable and inclusive development at the local level, which will require a massive investment in the capacity of African landscape leaders.
Strengthen grassroots capacity for locally-led landscape-level sustainable rural development in Africa.
Location: Arusha International Convention Centre, Ngorongoro Wing, 7th Floor, Mbayuwayu Room
Stephen Nindi, National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC)
Fidelis Mutakyamwila, Chair of Board, National Land Use Planning Commission
Hon. William Lukuvi, Minister of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development. Government of Tanzania
Sara Scherr, Ecoagriculture Partners & the Landscape for People, Food and Nature Initiative
John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Louise Buck, EcoAgriculture Partners
Hayo Haanstra, Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Government of The Netherlands
Boris Buechler, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), Government of Germany
John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Chimere Diaw, African Model Forest Network (AMFN)
Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners and the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative (see presentation)
Moderator: Chimere Diaw, African Model Forest Network (AMFN) (presentation)
John Recha, GIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Moderator: Rachel Wanyoike, Solidaridad
1. Landscape Convening and Governance
Chimere Diaw, African Model Forest Network
2. Wildlife and Biodiversity in Landscape Management
John Kamanga, Director South Rift Association of Land Owners (SORALO) Kenya
3. Climate-Smart Landscape Planning and Policy
John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Njeri Kimotho, Gender Taskforce Leader, Solidaridad Network
Kabiito Denis, National Coordinator/CEO, Young Farmers’ Federation of Uganda (UNYFA)
Parallel sessions:
Facilitator: Chimere Diaw, African Model Forest Network and Nancy Rapando, Solidaridad Network
Dr. Enrico Celio, Institute for Spatial and Landscape Development, ETH Zurich “Impacts from interventions to strengthen integrated landscape management”
David Kuria, Kijabe Environmental Volunteers. “Building local government support for integrated landscapes”
David Wanjohi, Laikonar, “Bridging civil society and local government in highly contentious landscapes”
Maria Sengelela: Solidaridad, ” Using multilevel multi stakeholder platforms in convening landscape actors within the Kilimanjaro Landscape”
Devota Salukele: National Land Use Planning Commission, ” The adaptive dialogue approach as a mechanism for convening landscape actors, the SAGCOT model”
African Model Forest Network
Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N)
Group Discussion
Facilitator: John Kamanga, Director, South Rift Association of Land Owners (SORALO) Kenya; and/or John Ajjugo, Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N)
John Kamanga, Director, South Rift Association of Land Owners (SORALO). “Managing community land in wildlife and biodiversity corridors”.
Clement Mabula, The Nature Conservancy. “Assessing conservancy contribution to national policy implementation and government commitments to key goals of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) – progress and challenges ”
Pastor Magingi, African Wildlife Foundation
Mwangi Githiru, Wildlife Works
Moses Olinga, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Uganda
Sam Kanyamibwa, Albertine Rift Conservation Society Network, Rwanda
Leah Mwangi, Kijabe Environmental Volunteers, KENVO, Kenya “Conservancies and policy dialogue”
Lydia Kuganyirwa, EcoTrust, Uganda
Group Discussion
Facilitator: John Recha, SANREM-Africa and CCAFS
Hassan Shelukindo, President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government, Tanzania, “Conducive policy for climate-smart landscapes”
Mponda Malozo, FAO, “Key knowledge requirements to support climate-smart landscape planning and management”
Shakwaanande Natai, The Tanzania Climate Smart Agriculture Alliance (TCSAA), “Mobilizing stakeholders in climate-smart landscape planning and action”
Nikhil K. Advani, Climate, Communities and Wildlife, World Wildlife Fund, “Developing climate adaptation solutions that help people and nature in a changing climate”
Amos Wekesa, Environment and Climate Change advisor, Vi-Agroforestry, “Using planning and policy to integrate agroforestry practices across climate-smart landscapes”
Moderator: John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Launch of book on Kilimanjaro Landscape, Solidaridad and NLUPC
Group 1: Visit to the SOLIDARIDAD intervention areas (Mwika North East Cooperative) in Rombo district, including field observation and learning on: Coffee Resilience Program; Demo plots – for good agricultural practices (agroforestry, intercropping, mulching); Biochar production and application technique; Ecological Coffee Processing Unit; Capacity building – Promoter farmers; Inclusiveness and youth participation; Overview of Kilimanjaro National Park and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Group 2: Visit to the to KINAPA intervention areas in Moshi Rural, including field observation and learning on: Beekeeping and tree plantations at Ngaloni village; Tree nurseries at Narangu and Kidia villages; Mushroom farms in Mashuba village (Keryo ward) in Rombo district; Spice farms in Lyasongolo village in Marangu (Moshi rural); Energy saving stokes around Lyasongolo village; Governance – law enforcement and compliance; Overview of Kilimanjaro National Park and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Group 3: Visit to the SOLIDARIDAD intervention areas in Enduimet Division in Longido District (via Siha District), including field observation and learning on: Implementation of village/joint land use plans; Rangelands (WMAs) – Olmolog; Tree nurseries and agroforestry – by ILLAUNOCK LOORMITII Group (Irkaswa village) and LEO Livestock Cooperative Society (Lerang’wa village); Beekeeping – by OLEKA Livestock Cooperative Society; Livestock improvement program (Boran species); Livestock value chain (Livestock Training Institute).
Group 4: Visit to the SOLIDARIDAD intervention areas (Ushiri Cooperative) in Rombo district, including field observation and learning on: Coffee Resilience Program; Demo plots – for good agricultural practices (agroforestry, intercropping, mulching); Biochar production and application technique; Ecological Coffee Processing Unit; Capacity building – Promoter farmers; Inclusiveness and youth participation; Overview of Kilimanjaro National Park and Mt. Kilimanjaro.
John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
4. Property Rights and Land Use Planning
Stephen Nindi, National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC)
5. Business engagement, Employment and Entrepreneurship
Rakula Okoth, Solidaridad
6. Landscape Finance and Investment
Mao Amis, African Centre for a Green Economy (AFRICEGE)
Njeri Kimotho, Solidaridad Network
Kabiito Denis, National Coordinator/CEO, Young Farmers’ Federation of Uganda (UNYFA)
Laurine Chirry, Climate Smart Agriculture Youth Network
Parallel sessions
Facilitator: Devota Salukele, National Land Use Planning Commission, Tanzania
Joachim Nguiebouri, African Model Forests Network (AMFN), “Participatory Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation”
Chimere Diaw, African Model Forests Network (AMFN), “Nature of rights and legal pluralism, and interactive games”.
EWMA: Land use zoning around biodiversity-rich landscapes.
Fidelis Mutakyamwila, National Land Use Planning Commission, “Including Marginalized Groups in Property Rights and Land Use Planning in Tanzania”
Pastor Maginga, African Wildlife Foundation “Participatory Landscape Planning in Kilombero, Tanzania”
Louise Buck, EcoAgriculture Partners, “Innovations in Property Rights and Integrated Landscape Management: Key Findings from a Global Scoping”.
Group Discussion
Facilitator: Duncan Hay, Institute of Natural Resources, National Land Use Planning Commission and Rafula Okoth, Solidaridad
Duncan Hay, “Opportunities for business engagement in the Umgeni Ecological Infrastructure Partnership and Umzimvubu Catchment Partnership”
Margaret Homb, African Model Forests Network (AMFN), “Central Africa Moringa Initiative”
Caroline Bilogui, African Model Forests Network (AMFN), “Women and green business models”
Anet Akez, African Model Forests Network (AMFN), “Rwanda Highlands Beetroot initiative”
Doyi Mazenzele, IUCN, “Business cases around sugarcane and cocoa value chains to support landscape restoration”
Group discussion
Facilitator – Mao Amis, African Centre for a Green Economy (AFRICEGE) and Sara Scherr, Ecoagriculture Partners
Mao Amis, African Centre for a Green Economy (AFRICEGE), “Potentials to mobilize landscape finance through the Green Climate Fund”
Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners, “Multi-sector integrated Landscape Finance Models identified in Global Survey of the Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation”
Landscape finance experiences:
Group discussion
Knowledge-sharing and country action planning
Introduction to the topics
Stimulating Communications across Landscape Initiatives in Africa: Chimere Diaw
Rockefeller Food Systems Prize Competition: Manon Koningstein, EcoAgriculture Partners
Integrated food and Land Use systems as an approach for Landscape Management, Marta Panco (AGRA)
Landscape Management & Remote Sensing: Duncan Hay
Landscapes in National Policy for Land Restoration: Luc Gnacdja
Geodesign to understand the landscape: Fritz Noel Bayong
Other special topics to be proposed by participants
Location: AICC, Piazza Garden
John Recha, CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Facilitator: Manon Koningstein, EcoAgriculture Partners
Landscape Investment and Finance Toolkit (LIFT, Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners)
Social Landscape Mapping (Dow Maneerattana, World Resources Institute)
LandScale (formerly called Landscape Standard (Louise Buck, EcoAgriculture Partners)
WayFinder for Resilience (Mao Amis, AFRICEGE)
Multi-Actor Inclusive Research and Evaluation Design and Ownership Framework-(MIREDOF (Nelson Agyemang)
Vulnerability Risks and Resilience Outline-VRRO (Nelson Agyemang, AICCAAR, Ghana)
ROAM-Restoration Opportunity Assessment (Doyi Mazenzele, IUCN)
Gender Assessment Tool (Njeri Kimotho, Solidaridad)
Others as proposed by participants
Moderator: Luc Gnacdja, EcoAgriculture Partners (tbc)
Presentations from Thematic Working Groups and other discussion groups
Louise Buck, EcoAgriculture Partners
Moderator: Stephen Nindi, NLUPC
John Recha , CGIAR Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), and SANREM Africa
Sara Scherr, EcoAgriculture Partners and the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative
Invited reflections from across Africa
Hon. Mrisho Gambo, Regional Commissioner, Arusha
Location: AICC, Kaifu Hall on the Ground Floor
Facilitator: Chimere Diaw (tbc)
Participant reflections
Make a plan to join us in Arusha for this exciting event.