December 7, 2014 | 14:15 – 15:45

Advancing Business Engagement in a Landscape Approach

Global Landscapes Forum - Lima, Peru

A missing partner in landscape initiatives

New multi-stakeholder, landscape initiatives are emerging as an operational framework to address key risks such as deforestation and water scarcity, and support economic growth, food production, ecosystem conservation, and livelihoods across entire landscapes. However, a key player in these issues – the -private sector, serving local, national and international markets – has been largely absent. Of 104 integrated landscape initiatives documented in Latin America by the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature initiative, only 24 involved the private sector; of 87 initiatives in Africa, only 10 did so.

Needed for impact at scale

Achieving landscapes that provide the full range of services to production, conservation and rural livelihoods, while mitigating greenhouse gas emission, requires collaborative action at scale. The agricultural sector contributes more than 30% of greenhouse gas emission globally and employs as much as 70% of the population in many African and Asian countries.

Therefore, engaging producers and other supply chain actors in climate smart practices and landscape planning is essential for adapting to and mitigating the impacts of climate change and to achieving sustainable development goals, particularly for poverty reduction (SDG 1), ending hunger and sustainable agriculture (2), availability and sustainable use of water (6), sustainable energy (7), tackling climate change (13, sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems (15), and effective and capable institutions (16).

Lessons from business engagement efforts

This session will explore the business case for public-private partnerships in landscape management. First, the role of the public sector will be highlighted in creating an enabling environment for innovation and investment by the private sector. Next, case studies will be offered from front-running partnerships’ experience in Kenya, Peru, Ghana and Colombia that exemplify the challenges and opportunities of working across scales and sectors in order to create more climate-smart and resilient landscapes for people, food and nature.

Open discussion of what’s needed

Following the case studies, a panel will discuss lessons and engage the audience about what is needed to increase public-private sector participation in landscape approaches in the future, and as a result, what they believe the potential impact of this participation will be.

Key Questions
1. How can integrated landscape initiatives serve as platforms for private sector to negotiate, plan collaboratively and pursue complementary investments with other stakeholders, including smallholders, communities, public sector agencies and civil society?
2. How can we better assess the business case of a landscape approach for all actors?
3. What are the most important springboards for action or leverage points for engaging the private sector?


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