October 19, 2015 | 6PM-8PM

A South-South Dialogue on Bridging the Sustainable Land Management Gap

COP12 Side Event, Ankara, Turkey

Desertification is on the UN docket

In two weeks, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification will host its Twelfth Session of the Conference of Parties (COP12)  to discuss solutions related to desertification, land degradation and drought (DLDD).

Picking up the pieces, to strengthen landscapes first requires rehabilitation

Land rehabilitation is one of the pathways to sustainable development. By rehabilitating degraded land, many of the sustainable development goals (SDGs) would be more attainable. To invest in the land is to invest in sustainable livelihoods, therefore the goal of COP12 is to provide practical steps to make the rehabilitation of degrading land areas a reality.

South-South cooperation in Sustainable Land Management

A number of side events will highlight actionable items for addressing desertification, including this dialogue on how nations of the Global South can better support knowledge exchange for building decision-making capacities and leveraging investments in sustainable land management.

A South-South Initiative for landscape restoration

In this side meeting, FAO and WOCAT partners will lead in presenting the preliminary idea of the initiative “South-South cooperation and knowledge exchange on soil, land management and innovative financing mechanisms for landscape restoration” and bring together interested partners to join the initiative.

Who will be there?

The participating audience should include regional/international financing mechanisms (RECs; development banks, environmental funds networks,  GEF and GM

Strength in regional platforms

Regional platforms could be enhanced inter alia for:

  1. Sharing tools and lessons/experiences and ensuring a long term institutional memory
  2. Analyzing and creating an enabling environment for sustainable investments and developing multi-sector capacities for scaling up and mainstreaming sustainable management practices
  3. Building synergies across partners, relevant projects and initiatives in the region towards UNCCD strategic objectives


This event will take place in the Rio Conventions Pavilion  Auditorium

To register and for more information, please contact:

Sally Bunning
FAO-HQ Land and Water Division

Event Details


This event will take place in the Rio Conventions Pavilion Auditorium.

To register, and for detailed information, please contact:

Sally Bunning
FAO-HQ Land and Water Division
