A High-Level Session at the 2014 Global Landscapes Forum. Africa has increasingly become an attractive continent for foreign investors aiming at taking advantage of its vast natural resource base. At the same time, population growth rates, unsustainable farming practices and related land degradation, greater frequency and intensity of droughts, conflicts, and other natural and anthropic drivers have deeply affected Africa’s natural assets and undermined its resilience to natural and economic shocks. The challenges and opportunities of managing the land and water resources of Africa are intrinsically tied to the development objectives of this continent.
These challenges are only matched by the amount of human energy deployed to overcome them, with the ultimate goal of achieving a sustainable development for Africa. That is why the Africa Union/NEPAD Agency, in collaboration with the World Bank, African centers of excellence like the Permanent Interstates Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel (CILSS) and other partners have endeavored to build an alliance for the restoration of Africa’s landscapes.
Through this mobilization, they hope to promote the use of a landscape approach that ensures an inclusive use and management of natural resources centered on social, economic and environmental welfare. The session will be an opportunity to discuss and use the African Landscapes Action Plan, prepared by Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiatvie, the Africa Union NPCA and TerrAfrica, as well as the Africa Integrated Landscape Management for Drylands Report prepared by the World Bank, TerrAfrica, and the World Resources Institute.
Speakers will include:
Magda Lovei, Practice Manager for Environment and Natural Resources, World Bank
Ernestine Fotabong, Head of Directorate, Africa Union NEPAD
Dr. Djime Adoum, Executive Director, CILSS
Sara Scherr, Director, EcoAgriculture Partners
Click here for more information about the Global Landscapes Forum.
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