How do landscape initiatives find the financial support they need to get started, maintain operations, and improve outcomes? Who is investing in landscape management now, and what are the barriers to increased investment in the future?
If your organization or initiative is looking for ways to fund multiple objectives, the resources gathered here are meant to help.
A two-day invitation-only event designed to convene the world’s leading thinkers, experts from investment banks, development banks, pension funds and corporate entities with senior government officials, to create hub for knowledge exchange around innovative solutions to finance.
More InfoJoin Maryam Niamir-Fuller of UNEP in a conversation, moderated by Initiative secretariat chairperson Sara Scherr, on how to connect investors with stakeholders to generate the highest social and environmental outcomes in a landscape. This forum highlights opportunities for investors interested in integrated landscape approaches, innovative finance mechanisms and how to structure finance to achieve the SDGs.
More InfoFinancing systems must yield public goods and private financial returns while mitigating investment risks. This brief puts ILM finance into context and provides recommendations for actions to improve financing opportunities in Africa.
More InfoHow do landscape initiatives find the financial support they need to get started, maintain operations, and improve outcomes? Who is investing in landscape management now, and what are the barriers to increased investment in the future? This report provides answers.
More InfoTo achieve the SDGs, new models of investment and finance are needed that not only incentivize the scaling up of investment in sustainable agriculture and land management, but do so in strategic ways that contribute to the inter-related goals and effectively manage the competition and interdependencies for natural resources and ecosystem services among the Goals and among land users. This paper analyzes a number of those new models, and proposes actions that can be taken to improve the financial picture for sustainable development. Ahora disponible en español.
More InfoThis tool helps to identify the institutional landscape at landscapes, as being institutions of production, association, meaning and control.
See the ToolThe Naivasha Landscape consists mainly of the Lake Naivasha watershed or catchment basin, which supports a highly vibrant intensive irrigation-based agriculture for cut flowers, livestock and dairy farming, geothermal power production, fishery and tourism industry.
Visit LandscapeUnlocking the potential of forest and landscape restoration financing for UNCCD implementation.