Increasingly global food and beverage businesses and their supply chains are operating in an environment of immense risk, from local unrest, population pressure, and water scarcity to, to climate change. With these risks however, also come important opportunities for companies that are well positioned to manage this complexity. Turning risk into opportunity is no easy task; it requires new operational models, new tools, and strategic partnerships.
The World Economic Forum projects that between 2008 and 2020 combined potential revenues from the production of consumer products, natural resources, agriculture and infrastructure in Africa will exceed USD 2.6 trillion, or a sustained compound annual growth rate of four percent. With up to 70% of Africa’s rural population in many countries employed by agriculture, the sector will also play a critical role in poverty reduction and combating hunger. To achieve this, however, a new development model for agricultural green growth is needed.
While the landscape approach has been championed for many years by institutions, principally from the natural resource sectors, it is quickly beginning to move into the private sector lexicon as businesses attempt to tackle complex risks within their sourcing and production areas.
Here you can find an overview of cases from front-running companies who have applied the landscape approach in their African operations, a summary of the approach’s basic principles, a selection of cutting-edge tools, and an explanation of core integrated practices and their relevance to business operations. We encourage you to explore the material in-depth and to analyze the value of a landscape approach within your own operations, investments and planning processes.
Natural capital (biodiversity and ecosystems is at the center of all environmental and business operations around the world. This forum is designed to initiate a constructive dialogue concerning the value of natural capital and inclusive sustainable development in African countries.
More InfoThis document reports on a collaborative, stakeholder-engaged assessment of the resources that are needed to build capacities for meaningful private sector engagement in integrated landscape initiatives that can advance the scaling up of Sustainable Land and Water Management (SLWM).
More InfoThe booklet was designed for leaders of African agriculture, food and beverage companies, and for the civil society and government land managers working to engage them. It offers cases of front-running companies who have applied the landscape approach in their African operations, a summary of the approach’s basic principles, a selection of cutting-edge tools, and an explanation of core integrated practices and their relevance to business operations.
More InfoA structured method that helps corporate managers proactively develop strategies to manage business risks and opportunities arising from their company’s dependence and impact on ecosystems.
See the ToolProcess to identify the impacts and dependencies of agriculture on biodiversity and ecosystem services (BES).
See the ToolThis siting tool helps to identify areas suitable for sustainable agricultural expansion while mitigating the impact on forests.
See the ToolThe Naivasha Landscape consists mainly of the Lake Naivasha watershed or catchment basin, which supports a highly vibrant intensive irrigation-based agriculture for cut flowers, livestock and dairy farming, geothermal power production, fishery and tourism industry.
Visit LandscapeThe TerrAfrica program has produced guidelines for best practices in sustainable land management (SLM), with an aim to disseminate these promising practices and create a framework for investment in SLM in Sub-Saharan Africa.
In six resource vulnerable landscapes ISLA will convene relevant stakeholders, explicitly including companies sourcing from and having positive and negative impacts in the area, and facilitate discussions about potential scenarios, recognizing costs and benefits for each stakeholder.
NGP aspires to an ideal form of plantations that contribute positively to people and nature. We promote well managed, designed, inclusive and profitable plantations by sharing knowledge and experience.