Nearly a year ago, at the end of January 2012, the Landscapes Blog launched. Over the course of this past year, the Blog has documented the growing recognition of “landscape approaches” among diverse communities of practice and the range of activities that bring together people, food, and nature. Guest authors from the various communities – NGOs, research institutions, farmers groups, etc. – have shared their experiences in furthering the field and provided much food for thought.
The time is now: we’ve seen landscape solutions being discussed at the highest level of world bodies and a large global consensus is emerging for action. In only the past few months, major events have brought landscape approaches onto center stage. At the recent United Nations conference on climate change in Doha, Qatar, “living landscapes” drew big audiences to Forests Day and Agriculture, Landscapes and Livelihoods Day. The 2nd Global Conference on Agriculture Research for Development highlighted the importance of a landscape focus, as did much of the agriculture discussion at IUCN’s World Conservation Congress in Jeju, South Korea.
As the year comes to a close, we are digging up some earlier posts, and revisiting some of the main themes and developments that captured our attention in 2012. We also hope to cultivate a new crop of guest authors in 2013, so let us know if you would like to share your landscapes work.
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