Challenges · Livelihoods · Water
1.5 million
Tropical Wet & Dry
Floriculture, Livestock, Maize, Teff
The Ethiopian Central Rift Valley (CRV), encompassing Lake Ziway, Lake Abiyata, Lake Langano and Lake Shala, is part of the Great African Rift Valley and is a sub-basin of the Rift Valley Lakes Basin. The area is situated in the administrative regions Oromiya and the Southern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region (SNNPR). Recently, crop production has become dominant, causing livelihood transformations from pastoralism to agro-pastoralism. Crop production, mainly rain-fed cereal-based production systems and modest livestock rearing are the mainstays of livelihoods for households in the CRV. In recent years, commercial flower production has established itself in the landscape as well.
The Horn of Africa Regional Environment Centre and Network (HoA-REC&N) supports multiple activities within the landscape, including a new collaboration with IDH’s Initiative for Sustainable Landscapes (ISLA) to support a Public Private Partnership in landscape governance.
I am environmentalist by profession and have been working in CRV landscape since 2007. Currently, I am a programme coordinator for the Climate Change Programme in HoA-REC&N. Our focus is on climate change adaptation and mitigation, sustainable livelihood improvement, institutional capacity building and the revival of traditional NR governance. I have more than 5 years of work experience in the area of integrated NRM and climate change adaptation in different agro-ecologic zones of Ethiopia. I have taken a course on landscape leadership, climate governance and adaption. I am knowledgeable about different landscapes in Ethiopia and possess good understanding of the facilitation and coordination wider stakeholders and networking.
Adane Kebede Programme Coordinator for Climate Change Programme, Horn of Africa Regional Environment Center and Network (HoA-REC&N) & Addis Ababa UniversityHoA-REC&N facilitates, strengthens and advocates initiatives related to environmental conservation and natural resource management. With Wageningen UR support, a land use plan was developed and a workshop was organised in Ziway. It aims to strengthen the capacity of key stakeholders in the field of natural resource management and governance. More than 30 institutions (local, regional, federal government, civil society, academia, communities) participated in the land use planning workshop. Future land use maps for Lake Ziway's western shore were developed. Four priority actions were identified: regular water quality monitoring, diversification of the economy, creation of buffer zone and small-holder horticulture support.
Two pilot buffer zones identified and developed:
HoA-REC&N facilitates, strengthens, and advocates initiatives related to environmental conservation and natural resource management. The CRV working group was started together with relevant stakeholders to open a multi-stakeholder platform in the sub-basin to discuss matters raised during the implementation. The Centre works with the network members (over 40 higher education and research centers, civil society and community-based organizations) and partner organizations, and facilitates landscape dialogue at different levels. It already has on-going activities in the catchment of Lake Abijata-Shalla. CRV Steering and Technical Committees were initiated and developed with the aim of sustainable development of the Central Rift Valley. For example, a water allocation plan is being developed and stakeholder consultations are held under leadership of the Steering and Technical Committees and with the wider participation of CRV working group.