Thanks to a day long thematic pavilion, and a wide variety of other sessions featuring Initiative partners, we’ll have live and recorded videos, featuring experts, leaders, practitioners, youth and more broadcasting from the Palais des Congrès de Paris all weekend, along with new blogs, publications and more.
Follow us on Twitter @LPFNInitiative and check back here for regular updates throughout the weekend and after the forum.
This year’s Forum explores the potential for large-scale restoration, the future of REDD+ in the context of land use change, solutions to close the finance gap, the central role of land tenure, and innovative ways to measure progress towards climate and development goals.
Investing in integrated landscapes to achieve the SDGs
Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals
See the agenda below for full descriptions of the special pavilion sessions throughout the day on Sunday.
African ministers will share their experiences and results from implementing landscape-level initiatives in their countries. An international perspective on resilient landscapes will be given by WRI and the World Bank.
This assessment will be followed by an announcement of commitments by African leaders in terms of the numbers of hectares covered and households supported by the Resilient Landscape Initiative.
The African Landscapes Action Plan is formally included and endorsed in the Declaration
Leaders from African countries will also announce a major new initiative to restore forests and agricultural lands. The AFR100 is a pan-African, country-led restoration effort to bring 100 million hectares of degraded landscapes in Africa under restoration by 2030.
The launch event will feature a number of African government ministers as well as prominent representatives from development banks, bilateral donors and impact investors, who will announce financial support for investments in restoration activities in African landscapes.
Join Maryam Niamir-Fuller, former special advisor to UNEP’s executive director on on SDGs and the Post 2015 Agenda and PhD in Rangeland Management and Soil Conservation, for a timely discussion of sustainable pastoralism as a means to deliver on the sustainable development goals in an integrated manner. The conversation will address the rising global demand for livestock products (meat, milk, fat, fiber, hides) and at the same time, the continuing degradation of rangeland ecosystems in drylands, and the increasing environmental degradation caused by intensive production. You are invited to discuss identification of successful strategies, enabling conditions and guidance on concrete actions to be taken by UNEP and other champions of environmental sustainability, towards a global partnership in preparation for UNEA2.
Members of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative’s Business Engagement Working Group will discuss their work with the private sector in landscapes around the world. The session will utilize group discussion of scenarios to explore different entry points, tools and incentives for public-private-civic cooperation to achieve more sustainable, and climate-smart, landscapes and supply chains.
After a brief presentation of a new white paper from the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative on using integrated landscape management to achieve the SDGs, participants will be invited to comment on the barriers and opportunities to implementing the approach, and concerns about its use. Participants will discuss follow up messages and next steps to help a variety of stakeholders; businesses, governments and civil society, implement the landscape approach to achieve the SDGs.
The Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative is surveying participants at the GLF to assess the needs of policymakers interested in supporting integrated landscape management. To initiate the discussion during the session, we will a pose a series of questions to a panel of policymakers and experts on policy challenges/needs, innovations and tools to support ILM. For each of these questions, the floor will be open to the audience to respond. The results of this session will guide the work plan of the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature Initiative’s policy working group, with which participants are invited to continue engaging.