December 3, 2017 - December 6, 2017

3rd International Conference on Global Food Security

Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa

Global Challenges, Local Solutions and Connected Pathways

3-6 December 2017 | Cape Town, South Africa

In association with the DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Food Security and the Universities of Pretoria and the Western Cape


When it comes to ensuring food security and sustainable agriculture, there simply is no one size fits all. Many interventions which have attempted to address the challenges of food security have not considered adequately complexity of the problem nor the need for locally-driven solutions. The 3rd International Conference on Global Food Security has intentionally included a focus on local solutions in its thematic approach for this very reason.


Another reason why solutions to the challenge of food security have proven elusive is the failure to consider issues from a systemic approach, a food systems approach – from field to fork – is needed to find viable solutions. In addition, the interrelated nature of the SDGs clearly illustrates a reorientation towards complexity thinking and the need to consider the interrelated nature of the various ecological and social systems which intersect and must be considered in relationship to each other. The Conference themes have been explicitly selected to provide spaces for dialogues that acknowledge complexity.

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