
Tool Details

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LandscapeIMAGES is a spatially explicit tool for the analysis of the provision of multiple ecosystem services (ESs). It is built on a flexible framework that allows seamless addition of new evaluation modules for other ESs. It is equipped with a Pareto-based exploration algorithm to determine the trade-offs and synergies among ESs by generating a set of landscape configurations. The relations between ESs and the associated landscapes can be visualized.


Where it has been used

LandscapeIMAGES has been applied:

  • In a grassland-based landscape with a large network of hedgerows, to explore relations between productive, environmental and socio-economic ESs.
  • In the Camargue region (France), where the use of agricultural fields for the production of various crops was related to the hydrology and environmental impacts.
  • Under development are landscape level explorations in Kenya, Zambia and Vietnam to explore strengthening ESs in nutrition sensitive landscapes.

How the tool is used for implementing a landscape approach

LandscapeIMAGES helps to explore tradeoffs and synergies in agricultural landscapes, and it shows the window of opportunities for sustainable development in landscapes. The versatile GUI allows visualization and supports discussions among stakeholders and planners.

Tool Specifications

Tool Submitted By:

Jeroen Groot, Assistant Professor - Wageningen University - Farming Systems Ecology Group

User Type

Development Practitioners, Researchers

Type of Tool
