Land Use Planning for Low Emission Development Strategy (LUWES)

Tool Details

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LUWES focuses on the local decision-making process. It offers a method for producing an integrated form of land-use planning that connects development planning and land allocation in sustainable ways. LUWES uses ex ante trade-off analysis to help establish a land-use plan for low-emissions development at the landscape level. This would be an economic system that minimizes greenhouse gas emissions while still generating appropriate economic benefits.


Where it has been used

LUWES have been applied in most provinces in Indonesia in developing their land-based local action plan for reducing greenhouse gas emissions. These initiatives work toward a sub-national fulfillment of the National Action Plan for Reducing Emissions in Indonesia. At the project level, training and workshop activities on LUWES have been conducted in Cameroon, Vietnam and Peru.


How the tool is used for implementing a landscape approach

Heterogeneity within a landscape reflects existing land uses and users under formal land allocation, tenure regimes, pluralities of social setting, local and regional economic strategies and varying biophysical characteristics. LUWES tried to clarify planning units that allow specific policy interventions to be applied and feasible action plans to be implemented. 

Tool Specifications

Tool Submitted By:

Sonya Dewi, PhD, Ecologist - World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF)

User Type

Development Practitioners, Researchers

Type of Tool
