Publication Details

National Policy to Support Landscape Management in Africa



September 22, 2014

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Research Theme

Short Summary

Summarizing and synthesizing the latest policy research on the state of land management in Africa, this brief provides a foundation and suggests major avenues for the critical policy action needed to launch integrated landscape management into the mainstream on the continent.


The State of African Landscape Policy, Briefly

In sub-Saharan Africa, 70 percent of poor people live in rural areas (IFAD, 2014), and, for most nations in the region, the broad goal of alleviating rural poverty involves revitalization of the rural economy. Policy goals include increased agricultural productivity and improved rural incomes, as well as prudent management of natural resources and climate resilience, which is necessary not only for the agricultural economy but also the tourism sector in much of Africa. These challenges are closely linked, yet public policies are often developed and implemented independently, rather than as part of a broad, integrated strategy.

Overcoming Sectoral Silos

These sectoral approaches have their limits (Sayer et al., 2013), as well-intentioned but inefficient or even conflicting policy goals are pursued within the same landscapes. This brief presents a summary of key issues for integrated landscape management-supportive policy, reviews the Africa-specific policy context for integrated landscape management (ILM), and offers recommendations and potential springboards for action.

Supporting Concrete Action

Developed to support the discussions at the Landscapes for People, Food and Nature in Africa Conference in July 2014, this brief, along with 5 others on key themes related to integrated landscape management, form the scientific foundation for The African Landscapes Action Plan.

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