Landscapes Blog

March 7, 2017

The ingredients of integrated landscape management: exploring the benefits of watershed restoration in Aba Gerima

Soil erosion had been a source of conflict for the farmers of Aba Gerima. Rains would cause soil to wash downstream, from one farmer’s plot to others, each year and damage crops. When the treatment of Aba Gerima watershed in Ethiopia began in 2012 with construction of physical and biological conservation mechanisms, such as soil […] ...
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March 3, 2017

The ingredients of integrated landscape management: The case of Aba Gerima

I arrived in Aba Gerima just days before planting season began, during an unusual week of rest for the farming community. While my fortunate timing was unintentional, this afforded me the opportunity to speak with over 70 community members over the course of five days. I was in Aba Gerima to conduct research for my […] ...
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